CvilleBioHub Feasibility Study

Project Size

Survey and Comprehensive 4-Part Support Program


Mar 2020 - Jul 2020

# of Employees





Charlottesville, VA

Our engagement in the CvilleBioHub project involved conducting a comprehensive survey to assess the space requirements for a multi-tenant life science lab facility. Based on this survey, we developed a program, capital budget, operating budget, and operational framework to support the development of the proposed facility.

To ensure accuracy and feasibility, our team conducted site visits and performed test fits to determine the optimal layout and configuration of the lab spaces. In addition, we conducted a thorough assessment of the potential for a lead tenant to capitalize on the COVID-19 pandemic demand-based PPE sterilization opportunity, adding value and revenue potential to the project.

Through our expertise and strategic approach, we were able to provide the client with a robust business plan that aligned with their vision for the CvilleBioHub. Our comprehensive analysis and recommendations laid the foundation for the successful development and implementation of the proposed multi-tenant life science lab facility in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Have a question or need a quote? Give us a call!